Avinash Shetty After his cameo appearances with negative shades in movies like Power and Badmaash, actor Avinash Shetty is finally set to turn lead actor with an untitled Kannada film directed by Hema...
Avinash Shetty is transitioning from cameo appearances with negative roles to becoming a lead actor in an upcoming Kannada film directed by Hemanth Kaushik. He discusses the challenges he faced due to the impact of Covid-19 on the cinema industry, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and continuous improvement. Avinash speaks about participating in a Kannada reality show to gain visibility as a newcomer and his proactive approach to learning new skills, such as Muay Thai, which led to an offer in a Hindi web series. He expresses his desire to explore diverse roles that make audiences laugh and break out of stereotypes, highlighting his ambition and confidence in pursuing opportunities in various southern film industries.